We present SpeechMatrix, a large-scale multilingual corpus of speech-to-speech translations mined from real speech of European Parliament recordings. It contains speech alignments in 136 language pairs with a total of 418 thousand hours of speech. To evaluate the quality of this parallel speech, we train bilingual speech-to-speech translation models on mined data only and establish extensive baseline results on EuroParl-ST, VoxPopuli and FLEURS test sets. Enabled by the multilinguality of SpeechMatrix, we also explore multilingual speech-to-speech translation, a topic which was addressed by few other works. We also demonstrate that model pre-training and sparse scaling using Mixture-of-Experts bring large gains to translation performance. The mined data and models are freely available.
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标记医学图像取决于专业知识,因此很难在短时间内以高质量获取大量注释的医学图像。因此,在小型数据集中充分利用有限标记的样品来构建高性能模型是医疗图像分类问题的关键。在本文中,我们提出了一个深入监督的层选择性注意网络(LSANET),该网络全面使用功能级和预测级监督中的标签信息。对于特征级别的监督,为了更好地融合低级功能和高级功能,我们提出了一个新颖的视觉注意模块,层选择性注意(LSA),以专注于不同层的特征选择。 LSA引入了一种权重分配方案,该方案可以在整个训练过程中动态调整每个辅助分支的加权因子,以进一步增强深入监督的学习并确保其概括。对于预测级的监督,我们采用知识协同策略,通过成对知识匹配来促进所有监督分支之间的层次信息互动。使用公共数据集MedMnist,这是用于涵盖多种医学专业的生物医学图像分类的大规模基准,我们评估了LSANET在多个主流CNN体系结构和各种视觉注意模块上评估。实验结果表明,我们所提出的方法对其相应的对应物进行了实质性改进,这表明LSANET可以为医学图像分类领域的标签有效学习提供有希望的解决方案。
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传统的基于CNNS的脱水模型遭受了两个基本问题:脱水框架(可解释性有限)和卷积层(内容无关,无效地学习远程依赖信息)。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的互补特征增强框架,其中互补特征由几个互补的子任务学习,然后一起用于提高主要任务的性能。新框架的一个突出优势之一是,有目的选择的互补任务可以专注于学习弱依赖性的互补特征,避免重复和无效的网络学习。我们根据这样一个框架设计了一种新的脱瘟网络。具体地,我们选择内在图像分解作为补充任务,其中反射率和阴影预测子任务用于提取色彩和纹理的互补特征。为了有效地聚合这些互补特征,我们提出了一种互补特征选择模块(CFSM),以选择图像脱水的更有用功能。此外,我们介绍了一个名为Hybrid Local-Global Vision变换器(Hylog-Vit)的新版本的Vision变换器块,并将其包含在我们的脱水网络中。 Hylog-VIT块包括用于捕获本地和全球依赖性的本地和全局视觉变压器路径。结果,Hylog-VIT引入网络中的局部性并捕获全局和远程依赖性。在均匀,非均匀和夜间脱水任务上的广泛实验表明,所提出的脱水网络可以实现比基于CNNS的去吸收模型的相当甚至更好的性能。
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We present the OPEN GRAPH BENCHMARK (OGB), a diverse set of challenging and realistic benchmark datasets to facilitate scalable, robust, and reproducible graph machine learning (ML) research. OGB datasets are large-scale, encompass multiple important graph ML tasks, and cover a diverse range of domains, ranging from social and information networks to biological networks, molecular graphs, source code ASTs, and knowledge graphs. For each dataset, we provide a unified evaluation protocol using meaningful application-specific data splits and evaluation metrics. In addition to building the datasets, we also perform extensive benchmark experiments for each dataset. Our experiments suggest that OGB datasets present significant challenges of scalability to large-scale graphs and out-of-distribution generalization under realistic data splits, indicating fruitful opportunities for future research. Finally, OGB provides an automated end-to-end graph ML pipeline that simplifies and standardizes the process of graph data loading, experimental setup, and model evaluation. OGB will be regularly updated and welcomes inputs from the community. OGB datasets as well as data loaders, evaluation scripts, baseline code, and leaderboards are publicly available at https://ogb.stanford.edu.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown satisfying performance on various graph learning tasks. To achieve better fitting capability, most GNNs are with a large number of parameters, which makes these GNNs computationally expensive. Therefore, it is difficult to deploy them onto edge devices with scarce computational resources, e.g., mobile phones and wearable smart devices. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a common solution to compress GNNs, where a light-weighted model (i.e., the student model) is encouraged to mimic the behavior of a computationally expensive GNN (i.e., the teacher GNN model). Nevertheless, most existing GNN-based KD methods lack fairness consideration. As a consequence, the student model usually inherits and even exaggerates the bias from the teacher GNN. To handle such a problem, we take initial steps towards fair knowledge distillation for GNNs. Specifically, we first formulate a novel problem of fair knowledge distillation for GNN-based teacher-student frameworks. Then we propose a principled framework named RELIANT to mitigate the bias exhibited by the student model. Notably, the design of RELIANT is decoupled from any specific teacher and student model structures, and thus can be easily adapted to various GNN-based KD frameworks. We perform extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets, which corroborates that RELIANT achieves less biased GNN knowledge distillation while maintaining high prediction utility.
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Despite significant progress in object categorization, in recent years, a number of important challenges remain; mainly, the ability to learn from limited labeled data and to recognize object classes within large, potentially open, set of labels. Zero-shot learning is one way of addressing these challenges, but it has only been shown to work with limited sized class vocabularies and typically requires separation between supervised and unsupervised classes, allowing former to inform the latter but not vice versa. We propose the notion of vocabulary-informed learning to alleviate the above mentioned challenges and address problems of supervised, zero-shot, generalized zero-shot and open set recognition using a unified framework. Specifically, we propose a weighted maximum margin framework for semantic manifold-based recognition that incorporates distance constraints from (both supervised and unsupervised) vocabulary atoms. Distance constraints ensure that labeled samples are projected closer to their correct prototypes, in the embedding space, than to others. We illustrate that resulting model shows improvements in supervised, zero-shot, generalized zero-shot, and large open set recognition, with up to 310K class vocabulary on Animal with Attributes and ImageNet datasets.
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Projection operations are a typical computation bottleneck in online learning. In this paper, we enable projection-free online learning within the framework of Online Convex Optimization with Memory (OCO-M) -- OCO-M captures how the history of decisions affects the current outcome by allowing the online learning loss functions to depend on both current and past decisions. Particularly, we introduce the first projection-free meta-base learning algorithm with memory that minimizes dynamic regret, i.e., that minimizes the suboptimality against any sequence of time-varying decisions. We are motivated by artificial intelligence applications where autonomous agents need to adapt to time-varying environments in real-time, accounting for how past decisions affect the present. Examples of such applications are: online control of dynamical systems; statistical arbitrage; and time series prediction. The algorithm builds on the Online Frank-Wolfe (OFW) and Hedge algorithms. We demonstrate how our algorithm can be applied to the online control of linear time-varying systems in the presence of unpredictable process noise. To this end, we develop the first controller with memory and bounded dynamic regret against any optimal time-varying linear feedback control policy. We validate our algorithm in simulated scenarios of online control of linear time-invariant systems.
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Advances in computer vision and machine learning techniques have led to significant development in 2D and 3D human pose estimation from RGB cameras, LiDAR, and radars. However, human pose estimation from images is adversely affected by occlusion and lighting, which are common in many scenarios of interest. Radar and LiDAR technologies, on the other hand, need specialized hardware that is expensive and power-intensive. Furthermore, placing these sensors in non-public areas raises significant privacy concerns. To address these limitations, recent research has explored the use of WiFi antennas (1D sensors) for body segmentation and key-point body detection. This paper further expands on the use of the WiFi signal in combination with deep learning architectures, commonly used in computer vision, to estimate dense human pose correspondence. We developed a deep neural network that maps the phase and amplitude of WiFi signals to UV coordinates within 24 human regions. The results of the study reveal that our model can estimate the dense pose of multiple subjects, with comparable performance to image-based approaches, by utilizing WiFi signals as the only input. This paves the way for low-cost, broadly accessible, and privacy-preserving algorithms for human sensing.
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With the increasing ability of large language models (LLMs), in-context learning (ICL) has become a new paradigm for natural language processing (NLP), where LLMs make predictions only based on contexts augmented with a few training examples. It has been a new trend exploring ICL to evaluate and extrapolate the ability of LLMs. In this paper, we aim to survey and summarize the progress, challenges, and future work in ICL. We first present a formal definition of ICL and clarify its correlation to related studies. Then, we organize and discuss advanced techniques of ICL, including training strategies, prompting strategies, and so on. Finally, we present the challenges of ICL and provide potential directions for further research. We hope our work can encourage more research on uncovering how ICL works and improving ICL in future work.
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Designing better deep networks and better reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are both important for deep RL. This work focuses on the former. Previous methods build the network with several modules like CNN, LSTM and Attention. Recent methods combine the Transformer with these modules for better performance. However, it requires tedious optimization skills to train a network composed of mixed modules, making these methods inconvenient to be used in practice. In this paper, we propose to design \emph{pure Transformer-based networks} for deep RL, aiming at providing off-the-shelf backbones for both the online and offline settings. Specifically, the Transformer in Transformer (TIT) backbone is proposed, which cascades two Transformers in a very natural way: the inner one is used to process a single observation, while the outer one is responsible for processing the observation history; combining both is expected to extract spatial-temporal representations for good decision-making. Experiments show that TIT can achieve satisfactory performance in different settings, consistently.
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